Affiliate Membership
Affiliate Business Partner membership with the West Volusia Association of REALTORS offers you and your company opportunities to network, participate and stay up to date on all things Real Estate coming out of the West Volusia Association of REALTORS.
The WVAR By-Laws describe an affiliate member as follows:
Article IV – Membership, Section 3
Affiliate Members shall be real estate owners and other individuals or firms who, while not engaged in the real estate profession as defined within the bylaws, have interests requiring information concerning real estate, and are in sympathy with the objectives of the Association.
When you join this association at the annual dues rate of $125.00, you are now a part of the REALTOR family and our effort to keep the REALTOR at the center of the transaction and create a more orderly marketplace. For the equivalent of $10.41 per month, up to 3 people from one company can have affiliate membership with the West Volusia Association of REALTORS. Within the base annual fee of $125.00 you receive the following benefits:
1. Invitation to all WVAR events. Only members of WVAR can attend WVAR events, classes, fundraisers etc.
2. Placement of your business cards in our lobby and classroom.
3. You’ll have a guaranteed seat at our monthly Affiliate Business Partners Committee meeting where you’ll have the chance to help brainstorm ways to bring Affiliates and Realtors together to build stronger business bonds.
4. Invitation to sit on some of the WVAR committees. Service is a great way to make connections with REALTORS, and our members notice those who step up, and those who don’t.
5. You are listed in our company directory that is available online. Our members are regularly looking for affiliate members and use the WVAR Affiliate Directory for up-to-date lists of those companies who have made a commitment to WVAR and its REALTOR members.
6. Ability to participate in Political Action Committee Events and make contributions to our closed Political Action Committee.
7. Ability to be recognized for your participation and generosity in our Affiliate Honor Society (rules apply).
WVAR also have MANY a-la-carte options for those who wish to layer more items within their membership. These can include:
1. Participation in the WVAR Trade Show
2. Sponsorship of Classes
3. Sponsorship of Events and Fundraisers
4. Digital Advertising Opportunities
And So Much More… Be sure to inquire with our staff on any upcoming a-la-carte affiliate activities, programs, services or opportunities.
If you have an interest in Affiliate Membership, please download a copy of our membership application or you can always call our office to speak with our Membership Director, Sherry Hargrove, 386-774-6433.
Memberships are pro-rated quarterly for NEW Affiliate members. $50.00 application fee is not-pro rated. Reinstated members who left the membership rolls less than 365 days prior, will be required to pay the full $125.00 fee. Pro-rations are not avalable for reinstatements, similar to the REALTOR policy. Dues and fees are not refundable. Please return Affiliate Applications to
Start your application today!